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Probably the most elementary law of nature is a simple one: you adapt to changes in environment or reality or you die. This is otherwise known as evolution. (Except for where I grew up in the south, where it is known as “the devil’s lie.”) As you likely know, I recently faced a change in my reality. For as long as I can remember, I could eat whatever I wanted, and, as long as I exercised at least moderately, I’d stay in relatively good health. Well, this is no longer my reality, and I face the choice to adapt or likely die a lot sooner than I’d care to, so, I choose to adapt.

One of the good parts about this particular bit of evolutionary trickery is that it really isn’t THAT big of a change. I have always eaten a decent amount of fruits, veggies, and fish, so it was simply a matter of eliminating the red meat, pork, fowl, and offal (I miss you most of all, offal). You might think though that this change would put a damper on one of my favorite hobbies, taking pictures of all of the delicious food that I choose to indulge. As you are about to find out, you would be wrong. Roll the considerably less pork centric food porn.

Some homemade falafel with whole grain rice, a salad and some plain Greek yogurt. Very tasty and wonderful colors to boot.

Some homemade falafel with whole grain rice, a salad and some plain Greek yogurt. Very tasty and wonderful colors to boot.

Grilled zucchini stuffed with whole grain rice, apricots, and chick peas, with just a smidge of goat cheese to bind it all together.

Grilled zucchini stuffed with whole grain rice, apricots, and chick peas, with just a smidge of goat cheese to bind it all together.

Power green monster smoothie with one cup of mango, 2 cups of spinach, 1 and a 1/2 cups of plain almond milk, and a handful of green grapes. Tasty for breakfast or lunch. And pretty.

Power green monster smoothie with one cup of mango, 2 cups of spinach, 1 and a 1/2 cups of plain almond milk, and a handful of green grapes. Tasty for breakfast or lunch. And pretty.

Now, eating like this is all well and good at home, but you know as well as I that my biggest challenge would come when eating out, and, more specifically, eating at my favorite restaurants like Ravenous Pig. Well, lo and behold, not too long after I implemented JLo’s dietary evolutionary plan, I took my wife to the Pig to meet some friends and celebrate her birthday. I’m happy to report that, despite being tempted by such favorites as beef cheeks, duck, and bone marrow (bone marrow! so, so good), I passed with flying colors. The proof:

Already one of my favorite things at the Pig, the Gatherer salad. Greens, beets, goat cheese, and shaved figs. Tremendous.

Already one of my favorite things at the Pig, the Gatherer salad. Greens, beets, goat cheese, and shaved figs. Tremendous.

Smoked yellowtail with pickled cauliflower. Again, the Pig is so amazing that they can take literally my least favorite food in the world, cauliflower, and make is delicious.

Smoked yellowtail with pickled cauliflower. Oh, and my clumsy hand and phone shadow decorating the plate.  Again, the Pig is so amazing that they can take literally my least favorite food in the world, cauliflower, and make is delicious.

So far, so good. If it’s evolve or die, I’ll throw my lot in with Darwin any day.
